AYAM CEMANI (scroll down for pictures)
These are truly STUNNING SOLID BLACK birds, and hard to capture in photographs. Their feathers are iridescent showing lots of green and purple. Ayam Cemani were originally bred in Indonesia, only recently coming here to the US. They are a rare breed that has gained popularity due to their fascinating appearance.
My Ayam Cemani are extremely PROLIFIC LAYERS of medium sized shiny eggs!! (Cemani are not known for their egg laying, but my birds lay LOTS of eggs, and are my best winter layers!)
My main focus for this breed has been HEALTH, VIGOR, COLOR, and TYPE. Sometimes things just work out, and this has been the case for my Ayam Cemani breeding program.
We hatch a lot of chicks here on the farm, 100’s of Cemani chicks each month, and ALL of my Cemani chicks hatch out solid black, with only an occasional pink toe nail or tip of their toe.
The Cemani hens have been very sweet. The roosters have also been gentlemanly, while being appropriately protective of their hens. I do not tolerate any aggression in any of my birds, so the Cemani you get from my line are predisposed to being more agreeable.
please see my “pricing” and “availability pages for more information
email questions to kim.casadonte@gmail.com
hatching eggs available year round, chicks available May and June
*SCROLL DOWN FOR PICTURES *these are all pictures of my own birds.