Cream Legbar

(18 egg maximum per order)

This breed is a must have if you like friendly, pretty chickens, and BIG BLUE EGGS! They are one of my favorites! They are auto sexing, which means the pullets and the cockerels will hatch out with different patterns, allowing us to sex immediately.

They are playful and trusting, often the bravest hens on my farm. They are rarely a problem when introducing new birds to their flock, often accepting a newcomer immediately (this is an unusual trait in hens!). I haven’t found a single thing to complain about with them.

I have been working on this breed for 7 years now. My original flock layed big, very blue eggs, and had lots of top knot. They were also easy to sex at hatch time. But they left a bit to be desired as far as egg production, and their feather color wasn’t exactly correct. I have recently introduced another line with great feather color, and much better egg production, so I expect good things from them in 2025.