First Generation Sex Linked Olive Eggers

(12 “OLIVE EMPRESS” eggs per order)

(scroll down for information)

“Olive Empress” hen.


These are beautiful and friendly birds, that will all lay a very pretty (often dark) olive colored egg. They are also wonderful producers, often laying through the winter.

Additionally, they are also sex linked, so the females will be solid black and the males will all be black with a white dot on their heads. It is easy to tell them apart the day they hatch.

The hens will often have a pretty poof of feathers on their copper heads, as well as lots of copper around their necks.

This is not a true breed, like most other Olive Eggers. This means when they are bred back to each other they will not produce chicks exactly like themselves.

We sell “Olive Empress” hatching eggs and chicks.